Saturday, May 12, 2012

Day 6 - Salt Spring Island

I tested the run down to the ferry and back from The Salt Spring Way - about 7.4 miles each way.  I managed to get to the ferry in 40 minutes, while back took about an hour.

While in Fulford Harbor I stopped in at Morningside Organic Bakery Cafe and Bookstore ( bought a ginger beer and had a nice conversation with the proprietors.  The place looks like it would be a really good place to get vegan food and snacks, but what drew me in was their radical bookstore.  Very fun to peruse the selections.

Morningside Cafe

The view from the porch at The Salt Spring Way
Then it was back up the hill to The Salt Spring Way, where I just hung out, packed and then got inordinately frustrated at various microsoft products while attempting to print out some cards with the blog address, so that I can hand them out.  With the trike, I often end up spending a half hour or more talking to people, and I wanted to be able to hand out something to direct people to the blog.

Then it was off to bed for about 6 hours before heading out to the ferry.

Total mileage:  14.5 miles
Average speed: 9.1 mph - I'm getting better at climbing hills
Top speed: 44 mph

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