Thursday, May 17, 2012

Day 10 - From Dungeness Rec area to Salt Creek campsite

Day 10
The day started today with someone else’s “too much adventure” as we started moving in the morning just in time to hear someone yell “Fire!”  Apparently an RV user had set up his generator on the leaf litter next to his campsite, and the leaf litter caught.  By the time I got over there with an extinguisher, it was mainly out.  I took a few blasts at the active hotspots and then waited for the professionals to arrive.
The Professionals, mopping up after the fire
After breakfast and a hot shower (gotta love campsites with hot showers), we slowly packed up and got moving again.  This time we left at about 2PM.  I rode back south to the Olympic Discovery Trail and headed towards Port Angeles.  On the trail there are some fun visuals.  We have a dinosaur:
a dinosaur on the trail

And an involved bicycle sculpture:

The bicycle sculpture
I made it into Port Angeles – after stopping at another walmart (replacing silly stuff that disappeared or was never acquired) and rode along the shoreline trail, where I saw a couple of sculptures that caught my eye:

I particularly liked the mother wolf and cubs
I'm not so sure about this one
Unfortunately, about this time, I went to grab the map to find the exact route out of town – and there’s no map.  It must have fallen out along the trail, but whatever happened, I didn’t have a map.  Then, my phone started beeping at me, telling me that it was almost out of juice – apparently my nifty phone-charging system had failed.  So now I had no map, and my access to google maps was limited by the fact that I had very little charge left.  I headed out of downtown, and straight up the hill – and up and up.  Unfortunately, I ended up on a freshly graveled road, and combined with the hill, it was just a major pain to get out of there.  Eventually, I made it up to WA 112, and headed west for Salt Creek.  When I finally got to the campground, I came over the hill and there was the ocean – wow! Then I found where Sharon had set up camp, and I just had to say wow again. The camper was less than 20 feet from a cliff that went straight down to the sea.

Our campsite - just beyond the railing is a cliff to the sea
Then, I saw the sunset and just had to say wow again.
Sunsets aren't normally my thing, but wowsers
And a slightly different view - this picture was taken less than 20' from the camper
After the sun set, we sat around the campfire and relaxed (pic) before packing it in for the night.
Sharon relaxing by the fire

Total mileage: 21.75 miles before the phone crapped out – then about another 17 miles according to Google maps

Average speed (for the first part) 7.8 mph
Max speed 37 mph
questionable to dead - one on the road phone charging system - bleah!

1 comment:

  1. Hi Matthew, I found an ad about your recumbent trike, but the email you left came back with errors. I did a google search for your email on the off chance I'd find something. Please contact me if your trike is still available.
