Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Day 4 - From Jeannie's to Salt Spring Island, BC

Tuesday May 8

Morning came waaaaaay too early.  It's somewhere between a 1/2 - 1 hour drive from Jeannie's to Port Angeles, depending on which idiot did what on US 101 that day, so we headed out the door at about 6:45  AM to make sure that I'd make the ferry.  This time, the drive was completely uneventful, and we made it to the ferry with lots of time to spare.

So I unload the bike, unfold it and set it up, then go inside to buy my ticket to Victoria.

Once on the ferry, bikes go on the bow, so I locked the brakes down and parked the trike between the bike racks.
The bike section on the Coho ferry
At the bow, looking out

It was a nice ferry ride on the Coho.  Light seas, a beautiful day.  Looking back at Port Angeles, the views of the mountains were spectacular.
Some of the mountains seen as we left Port Angeles
While travelling across to Victoria, I spied a Canadian naval vessel (what kind, I don't know - if you do, let me know) protecting the Salish sea from all those US invaders:
Protecting the Salish Sea
Coming into Victoria, we passed this mural, which I really liked:
Mural at the entrance to Victoria Harbor
Once we got into Victoria, things went well.  I had forgotten to leave my pepper spray in the US, so I surrendered it to customs, and then had a nice conversation with the customs officer who helped me to guide my bike out of the customs area (it wouldn't fit through the single doors).

Once in Victoria, I headed off to the Galloping Goose Trail to head north and catch the ferry from Swartz Bay to Salt Spring Island.  Of course, I found the mouth of the trail, and was immediately confronted with a detour sign (lots of construction going on in Victoria).  I followed the detour and promptly got lost.  With a little help, I found my way back to the trail and headed off North, across a bridge.
The first bridge that I crossed on the Galloping Goose trail had this marker
I followed the Galloping Goose trail until I reached the Lochside trail and took the Lochside trail almost all the way to Swartz bay.  This was a *very* nice ride.  Smooth, with gentle rises.  Most of it was off-road, and the parts that were on public roads were nice calm roads.

On one of the bridges on the Lochside trail, I saw this sculpture, which I thought was really neat.
Sculpture on the Lochside trail
About 10 km in on the Lochside trail (maybe further), we started going past various farms.  At one point, I went by a pile of pigs, just sleeping next to the trail.  I had forgotten just how BIG an adult pig is ... for reference, the greenhouse is probably 10-12 feet tall at the peak of the roof.
Snoozing by the side of the trail
Not long after I passed the piggies, I came to a veggie stand, where I bought a banana and a couple of local apples, as well as a cup of coffee.  There were a few other bicyclists there hanging out, and we all got talking about various routes and various other things.  The trike got lots of attention, and I got the usual questions, including: aren't you afraid that you're going to get squished.  To which I at least think - yes, some, but not enough to ride a bike that makes me hurt.

Then back on the road - well, path.  I got all of the way up to where the signs said I should turn to get to the fare gates, and then managed to get lost again.  Fortunately, there wasn't much of anywhere to go but down towards the water.  Once I reached the water, I got someone to point me in the right direction, and off I went.

I bought my ticket, and headed down to the ferry docks.  Just before the ferry was to start boarding, I realized that I'd left my helmet back at the fare gate -- all the way up THERE.  Someone suggested that I just board the ferry and tell the BC Ferries people what I'd done, maybe they'd be able to grab it and bring it down to me.  I did exactly that, then boarded the ferry.  As usual, the trike went up at the bow,  and I locked the brakes down (or thought I did), got off, and watched all the cars come on, all the while worried about my helmet, and what was I going to do if it didn't catch up to me.  Then, right before we cast off, I saw someone with a safety vest carrying something, quickly heading towards the bow.  Huzzah - my helmet had been found.  Now I really have proof - if my head wasn't attached, I'd leave it somewhere.
At the front of the boat again...
The Ferry crossing to Salt Spring Island was quick and uneventful.  When we offloaded, I thought that getting a snack and a cup of coffee would be nice, and would keep me off the road until after all of the cars from the ferry had gone by.  I stopped in at the Rock Salt cafe ( and had what was essentially a spanikopita roll, and a cup of coffee (is this a theme yet?).  Wow - really good.

After finishing off my snack, I hopped on my trike and started heading up Fulford Ganges road towards  my final destination, my aunt & uncle's B&B - The Salt Spring Way (  As mentioned, I started heading up the road, and up, and up ... this is a long hill, and rather steep too.  Finally, I have arrived.  I am sitting in the driveway, just catching my breath and letting my legs decide what they think when my aunt Ellen arrives home from helping one of her friends & neighbors.

After I unload the bike, it's time for a nice hot shower and to think about dinner.  Ellen puts together a lovely salad of spinach, apples, mango, avocado, celery and a bit of roast beef.  We also had some asparagus and some good, local bread.  Then I went to bed.  Thud.  It had been a long day.

Total:  32.5 miles
Climb: about 600-700' total, including 400' in two miles on Fulford-Ganges road.
Average speed (including rest breaks) 6.8 mph
Top speed: 32 mph

Ellen & Jerry's place is a lovely place to get away from it all, and I am including their rack card here:

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