Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Day 21 - In Portland

We are staying with Tanya and family today.  It’s awfully nice to see Tanya again.  I think that she is one of the most sensible people that I know.  Even keeled and capable of dealing with a whole lot of things that other people couldn’t deal with.

We spent the day largely relaxing and catching up on various things.  I wrote a couple of blog entries and Sharon did the laundry and examined the wiring of the heritage building that Tanya lives in.

For dinner, Tanya made some pasta with a really tasty sauce, and I sautéed some mussels that Sharon got while we were in Toledo.  All in all a nice meal and good company.

If Sharon had been able to sleep better, and if Bird had gotten along with their Lab and/or their cat, it would have been perfect.  I am becoming convinced that bird is rather a bit of a brat and Sharon recognizes that Bird really needs to be socialized more.

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