Monday, May 7, 2012

Day 2 - on the road to Jeannie's

After my wonderful experience with the Barcus clan, I headed up the road, "attacking" the hill that made me cal it a day the night before.  Once I got past that hill, the ride was much easier (for a while at least).

In my continuing sightings of all things Matt or Matthew, I came across Mats Mats (a neighborhood? near Port Ludlow).  This gives us the Mats Mats Chiropractic Clinic:

And Mats Mats Beach Road

After about 1:30 or so, I started looking for a place to get some lunch.  I managed to cruise past almost all of the food available before I realized it, but finally, on WA 19, just short of the junction with WA 20, I found a cafe which, while not "open" any longer (it was about 2:30, and they officially close at 2:00 on Sunday) was willing to provide a hungry cyclist with some food.

Lunch was a turkey and cheese croissant, a double latte and a very nice ginger spice cookie (which I nibbled on for about the next 5 miles).

The stretch of WA 20 that I took from WA 19 to US 101 was not fun.  You know, 400 feet doesn't seem like much altitude, until you're on an overloaded bike on a road with little shoulder and fast traffic.
At times I was just going from wide spot where I could get the bike fully off the tarmac (to sit there and pant for a couple of minutes) to wide spot.  Maybe 100-200 yards at a time.  If I was on a bicycle, I would have had to walk all of the uphills, just because I was going so slowly and the load was so heavy.

It took me about an hour and a half to go three miles uphill to the minor elevation of 400 feet.  Then it took me about 3 minutes to go the two miles downhill.  That was pretty fun.  I figure, once I really get my legs under me, hills will be significantly more fun.

Finally, I reached US 101, with its wide shoulders, and significantly shorter hills, and managed to make some nice time.

About 1-2 miles short of Jeannie's, I ran across a historical marker -

Then finally, I reached the turnoff for Jeannie's and the lesbian trailer park that she lives in (no, I am not kidding).  About this park, one of the (now moved) residents once said - how is it that we are in a trailer park filled with REPUBLICAN lesbians.

After a shower and a rest, Jeannie and I went to Port Angeles for dinner, where we had some nice (aimed at white folks) chinese food, and headed back to the park to crash for the night.

Day 2:
31.4 miles
Average: 5.7 mph, including breaks.
Top speed (down the long hill on WA 20) around 50 mph (wow!)
Altitude climbed: 2000+ feet (whew!)

All in all a pretty good day for still being soft and rather out of shape.


  1. a) The stop sign next to Mats Mats Beach Rd. is definitely prismatic retroreflective sheeting, but was it full cube?

    b) 50 mph?!? Wow is right!

    1. For some reason I doubt that the stop sign was full cube, but I really don't know how to check without a light meter or a microscope.
