Thursday, May 3, 2012

Day 0 - Seattle

Today, I put in 10 miles in the rain as a bit of a shakedown.  Here in Seattle, it was raining, and I found that I still have much to learn.  I think that as I continue the ride, some of my plans will prove themselves to be overly grandiose, but I still think that's way better than planning too small.

I did take some video while I was at it today.  Nothing much, but I want to see what the camera will do.  I also visited an eponymous beach.  I think that I will make it a point to go to everything in range named Matthew.

My stuff on the train - the big orange box is my bike, and the stuff on top is *everything* else.

 Here is the bike, unpacked and set up in Seattle, before my wet ride.
 This is my nearly totally geeked-out helmet.  I still need to install the speakers for tunes on the road.  Note the chili pepper motif neck cover.
Here's the bike parked at the entrance to Matthews Beach.  You can't really tell from the picture, but it had been raining hard just a few minutes before.

Dinner was really good.  I have now tried stinky tofu - I'm glad that I tried it, but I'd much rather have blue cheese.  I also had jellyfish for the first time tonight.  Other notables were some really good handmade noodles, spicy eggplant,and some really good salt and pepper pork.  Kudos to Janny and Erik - nice restaurant, good food, and at least two things that I'd never eaten before - a rarity.

Day 0 - set up bike
distance: 10 miles
total distance: 10 miles
falls: 1 - at about 2 mph.  No injuries, except to my pride.
things broken: 1 - need to find a new handlebar mount for my phone, but I'm not real worried.  Besides, I haven't gotten the tracking program to work right yet.  I may yet have to install iBike.

That's it for today - tomorrow I leave Seattle and head towards Sequim.


  1. Hey Matthew, it's Trevor:

    a) Going to visit everything named Matthew is a fantastic idea.

    b) I thought your bike was nearly fall proof.

    1. Nothing is fall proof, and I have proven that if I try to make a really quick turn at almost zero mph, I'll end up on my side. Very embarrassing.

  2. Much more coverage than I had even hoped for. I'll be following regularly.

  3. Jeanne here - Loved that you called from Salt Creek - Waiting for your take on that special place - Reading avidly, everything written here Delightful! Stay dry -
