Sunday, June 17, 2012

Day 43 - Manchester Beach to Stillwater Cove

Day 43 (June 17) Manchester Beach to Stillwater Cove regional park – where I call in a ride

Actually got moving relatively early this morning.  I was loaded and out of the campsite by 10AM.  I wanted to put some serious miles on, so that I can make SF and home by Sunday night.  I figure that means about 70 mile days.

I am finding that the Sonoma coast is much like, but a little less picturesque than the Mendocino coast.  The coastline is still dramatic, but my impressions of the surrounding area is mainly: dry.

Going through Sea Ranch, I am first reminded that I am no longer in the Republic of Rust:
We aren't in Oregon any more...
I also saw this - which has to be one of the neatest looking chapels ever:
The Sea Ranch Chapel

I have been playing tag all day with another cyclist.  He is on a mountain bike with a BOB trailer.  He passes me on uphills, I pass him on downhills. 

The winds today aren’t as strong as they have been for a while.  I stopped in at Bones in Gualala for lunch – pretty good.  I had 2 pints of stout – I probably should have stopped at one, as my riding was a bit slow for a while.  

Riding down the coast, I then went out to Stewart’s point where I got a soda and stretched out some.  While I was there, a group of motorcyclists had slowly gathered and were talking, when up comes a big guy on a big Harley with a Maltese in goggles on the tank.  He's of course named Harley:
Harley on his Harley
I was cruising along through Salt Point state park when I heard the tink tink of another broken spoke on the rear wheel.  That makes three, so I’m packing it in to go get some spokes made and have the wheel trued before I get back on the road.  Here's what it looked like waiting for my dad to come and pick me up:
All packed up...

When I next head out I will be leaving a lot of stuff at home, and should have a smaller and lighter setup.  So there will be a hiatus of a few days while I get parts and learn how to true a wheel.

Distance: 46 miles
Average speed :10 mph
Top speed: 52 mph - I was going 40, when I hit an even steeper downhill section.  Whee!

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