Thursday, June 14, 2012

Day 33 - Bullards Beach to Humbug Mountain

Day 33 – (June 6) Bullards Beach to Humbug Mountain

This morning started with my trying to fix Sharon’s plate w/dental repair goo – I failed (twice).  This is not all that unexpected, since I can't really hold her plate in the right orientation and completely still for the 4 to 5 minutes that it takes for the plastic to set sufficiently.

Next I discovered that I lost bolt in one of my cleats – luckily, still had 1 spare bolt left.  I am now obsessively checking the tire pressure.  All of the tires are holding air just fine.

I still have no signal, this is getting weird.  Does T-mobile just not have any data available in Oregon?

Leaving Bandon Beach state park, I went through Bandon where there is a wayside about Face rock.  I have posted it in HUGE format, so that you might be able to read it on-screen.  I can, but not very well.
The Face Rock Marker
On the beach below the wayside, a couple of people were having fun drawing in the sand:

On the other side (left), it looked to me like the ocean was giving us the finger (probably deservedly)
The Ocean giving us the finger
I mentioned before all of the devil references, well, here's the next one:
Devils Kitchen sign
And this is what Devils Kitchen looks like:
Devils Kitchen
This sign made me laugh:
Interesting sign
Then I saw this odd giant Bird:
The strange bird
As I got closer, I saw the other business, the one with which the bird is associated, I believe.
Ahhh, now the bird makes a bit more sense...
Then I went through Langlois, which seems like a town with an attitude that I appreciate.  First there's the Langlois market (home-made mustard, famous for our hot dogs)
Another neat little memorial
Their hot dogs were good, and their mustard, while a style that I'm not in love with (honey mustard), was pretty good.

Then there's the town cafe:
Really, not just a greasy spoon, the Greasy Spoon
And the Bookstore:
Well, it was too late for me to enter the Crime Scene...
The last stop that I made on the way to Humbug Mountain was at Battle Rock City Park
Now remember kiddies, when the White Man wants something, he just takes it...
Some of the background info given:
Battle Rock informational display

of course, there's also one about the NWR

And a piece of a shipwreck
After getting to the campsite at Humbug mountain, my first task once I had showered was to work on Sharon’s temporary lower plate.  Finally, I got it to hold with Gorilla glue.  I only glued my fingers to her plate twice.
Diner was grilled Salmon, cheese grits and sauteed spinach.  Sharon was able to use her lower plate to eat it.

40 miles
Average speed: 6.9 mph
Max Speed: 34.5 mph

Counting Crows – this Desert life
Dire Straits – Dire Straits
Grateful Dead – Dead Set
Hoyt Axton – Rusty Old Halo/Where did the Money go?

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