Sunday, June 17, 2012

Day 40 - Benbow Lake to Westport Beach

Day 40 (June 13) – Benbow Lake to Westport Beach

Woke up about 7, packed up my stuff and rode out of the park by 7:30, so I know that it’s possible for me to pack quickly, I just need to have never really unpacked!

Heading out, I decided that I needed to take a picture of the campsite sign:

I rode out with the intention of buying breakfact in Benbow, but it turned out that the only place that seemed to exist was the Benbow inn:
Not my speed this morning
Which was certainly not where I wanted to be.  So, I rode into Richardson Grove state park and set up my “kitchen” in their day use area.  Using the outside bathroom wall as a windbreak for the stoves and tapping off of the power from the bathroom, I worked to charge everything while making coffee and breakfast.

While I was heating water and pans, group of kids led by two adults came through the picnic area.  When I volunteered that I'd be perfectly happy to answer questions, I suddenly had nearly a dozen excited kids asking question.  I do appreciate the unbridled curiosity of kids of a certain age.  After a while (maybe as long as 1/2 an hour), the adults managed to shuffle the kids off to their "next thing."

Then as I was washing up, a couple rode up on a BMW R1200 to use the bathroom.  We started talking and it turns out that they're from Ontario and had just bought a place in Arizona and then went to tour the western part of both the US and Canada.  Another fun interaction.

Rode out of park and towards Leggett – I saw lots of closed campgrounds:
Are we seeing a pattern yet?

In Leggett proper, I went to stop at THE store to prep for the ride up the monster hill, but it was closed for remodeling – "please visit store 1 mile that way."  About ½ mile that way the road banking was so steep that uphill (at 5mph), I couldn’t get the bike to stay upright.  I toppled over, scraping up a knee and elbow somewhat.  I swore up a blue streak, turned around and paid way too much money for 2 liters of water at the gas station.  While at the gas station, I met 2 other cyclists, Ike and Christa, as they were about to attack the hill as well.  We chatted a bit, and then I rode off to attack the hill.

They passed me on the way up the big hill.  I passed them on the way down.  They passed me on the way up the 2nd hill and I didn't see them again until that evening.

While at Elk Meadows, I talked to a rider who said that he really liked the Leggett hill - it has a constant  slope and he finds it rather meditative.   Now I understand what he means.  I managed to go up the whole thing without stopping for more than 3 seconds, and I only had to do that a few times.  It took 2996 pedal revolutions to get to the top of the 1st hill.  I was doing almost exactly 60 rpm, so that means it took me just shy of an hour to climb 1300'.

Then there’s the next hill – which maps & guides say is 600’, but my GPS said was more like 800’.  Having climbed it and talked about it with several other cyclists, we all agree that the 2nd hill is harder than the first.  It's slope is all over the place and gets as high as 7% - which is just too high for me to be able to do more than about 100 yards at a time.

Riding down the hill through the twisties, I took the lane when my speed was at the posted recommendations.  I still got people who decided that they must GO FASTER.  Saw a work truck pass me and then nearly wipe in the next turn.  Oy.

I finally made it to the coast:
My first full view of the water
ahhhh, blessed cool breezes.  And the view is magnificent:
What an amazing view

I finally made it to Westport Beach, but the primitive campgrounds were way too much for me, went to KOA 2 miles down road, so I could take shower.  Ike an Christa passed me on way there – they decided against the primitive site too.  Also, after the Leggett hill, Christa said that she just wanted a long shower.

When I got there, I discovered that KOA has hiker/biker rates.  I never would have known.  Here it was only $5 - only $2 more than the primitive campground.

While registering, Ike and Christa asked about place to buy dinner – apparently the restaurant is only open Thursday through Saturday.

I told them that I was going to cook pasta, did they want to join me?  They eventually decided to.  We had a nice, if slow to cook, simple pasta & tomato sauce – aseptic tomatoes, oregano, garlic, a pinch of chipotle powder.  Sat & ate, then they washed the dishes – Huzzah!

Music: (Outlasted ipod again)
John Hiatt – Slow turning
John Prine – The missing years
KD Lang – Engenue
King Crimson – Three of a Perfect Pair (this album just washed out for me)
KT Tunstall – Eye to the telescope (need more of her stuff)
Lyle Lovett – Pontiac
Meat Loaf – Bat out of Hell (total cheese, but reminds me of party in grad school where all drunken German post docs were singing along to album)
Neil Young – Freedom
Peter Gabriel – Security

The Android phone crapped out again
Distance – 56 miles (minus about 3% - computer reads a bit high)
Average speed (without stops) – 8.4 mph
Top speed – 43.6 mph (in the twisties!)

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