Monday, June 25, 2012

Back on the Road - Day 44 Berkeley to Half Moon Bay

Day 44 (June 24) Back on the Road - Going From Berkeley to Half Moon Bay
Well, it took me FOREVER to get out of the house, but the bike is re-spoked, tuned up and quiet again.

I managed to get everything done at home, including cleaning the place up a bunch.  I'm sure that Robert won't recognize the place when he checks to make sure that I didn't leave any taps running, etc.

I found that taking Bart from Berkeley to Daly City was the first adventure.  It turns out that the bike is longer than BART elevators are deep, so I got to unpack the bike into the elevator and pick the bike up, rolling it in on its back wheel to get into the elevator.

It is also too big to fit on the train without blocking some of the aisle/door space.  I was very glad that the train was pretty empty.  When I got off in Daly City, I repeated the bike manipulations to get it into the elevator, and then when I got off the elevator, I headed for the bathroom.  I'm really trying to not pass up any opportunity to stop at a bathroom.

Coming out of the bathroom, I had a long conversation with an asian woman who was just fascinated by the bike.  She was thinking in terms of a roof for it and other things that might be added.   She came out of the station to watch me ride off.

I rode out of the station and down to 35, until I got to skyline and followed the roads right next to the water.  Wow!  What a view.
Who knew that there was such a great view in Daly City
And then there were no more houses...
And what a ride.  I think that my map's altitude estimations for the ride from Pacifica south were a bit generous, perhaps to make up for the second hill coming out of Leggett.  The ride was easier than I expected.  I got to Half Moon Bay as the sun was setting, and I got to see an utterly glorious sunset, and then some neat effects after the sun set.
A gorgeous sunset

I love the streak of light coming out from the point
The campground at the beach is very nice.  The area is just gorgeous, and I think that I might make this a fine little weekend trip on the bike.  It's short enough to get here with lots of daylight left (if you don't leave in the fairly late afternoon), it's a good ride and a glorious place to stay (for $7, with the waves crashing and the foghorn blowing (I dunno why though, its as clear as a bell tonight).

Just as I was about to set up to make dinner, a couple of the other campers in the hiker/biker space offered me the remainder of their clam chowder, which I gladly accepted and sopped up with some sourdough bread that I brought.

After we all showered, they came by and we chatted for about an hour.  Very pleasant.
Well, off to bed with me.

Distance 21.38 miles
8.7 mph average
42.8 mph max

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