Friday, June 15, 2012

Day 35 - Crescent City to Nickel Creek Campground

Day 35 – (June 8) Crescent City to Nickel Creek Campground

This morning, I went through and split up the stuff that had gotten thoroughly mixed in the camper, so that we're back to my kit and Sharon's kit.  Then I dropped off Sharon to do laundry, and saw this about 4 blocks from the laundermat:
Tempting fate?
I drove back to Brookings, Oregon to buy a butane cartridge stove, having decided that while the alcohol burners are cut and do function, they're too slow and uncontrollable to be all that I rely on.  I joined Bi-mart (the very same chain that I joked about earlier - and now I know that they do not sell what they would sell with a name like that in San Francisco) so that I could buy the stove and cartridges  I also bought food.  I then drove back to Crescent city, picked up Sharon, and filled the propane tank on the camper.  Then I went off and picked up bike from the bike shop.

With all of the laundry done and all of my stuff back in my kit, and with a new duffel bag to carry my kitchen and overflow from my clothing and camping equipment, I had to repack.  So I spent a couple of hours in the bike store parking lot repacking.

Sharon and I then went to the ice cream parlor next door for farewell meal/snack - they had buffalo burgers and black walnut ice cream.  Finally, about 6PM I rode off to nearby campground – 7 miles away. 

A mile before my turn off of US101, my left pedal started wobbling - my thought was "oh great, I've lost another cleat bolt - and I'm out ... but then I wiggled my foot to unclick and take a look at my cleat, and the whole crank arm fell off.  After fiddling with various ideas for a bit, I rode about two miles mile one-footed, until the rode got too hilly, then walked to end of road.  I called Sharon, told her of my situation, and since she was only in Trinidad, asked if she'd go to one of the bike stores in Arcata the next day to pick up a couple of new bolts for me - if something breaks, I try to start carrying an extra of that thing.  I told her that since I had phone service, I'd find a shop with the parts that's open Saturday morning and prepare them for her coming in.  I then started in towards the campground.

Wow, it's beautiful here, even if I am dealing with broken equipment:
Then it started to rain, and it was beautiful in the rain:

Then it stopped raining and I saw this beautiful sunset start up:

After wat seemed like it must have been 2 miles (but was, in fact 1/2 mile) I reached the campground.

I set up tent, opened a bottle of wine and considered the fact that the nearest water was from the creek and would have to be boiled.  Oh well.

7.80 miles – 2 miles on one pedal, 2 miles pushing

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