Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Day 30 - Beachside State park to Honeyman State park

Day 30 – (June 3) Beachside state park to Honeyman State Park

Riding out from Beachside state park, it was a grey day to begin with, but the sun did manage to peek out from time to time.  Yachats was the first place of any note that I went through.  I just made the end of their farmer's market, where I picked up a jar of Huckleberry jam.  

I then went across the street to the Bread & Roses bakery - this was a nice little bakery, and the first (and only) business that I saw on the Oregon coast which explicitly supports the occupy movement.
I had a nice conversation with the girl behind the counter, which included a discussion about the propensity of businesses which did multiple, wildly diverse things.  I mentioned the espresso stand, sandwich shop and tanning salon, and she said that her mom had joked with her about the same subject, using the apocryphal example of Joe's Bar and landfill.

After I left the bakery, I wandered through Yachats a bit.  First getting a view of their beach:
Yachats beach
At the beach, they had a four-panel historical marker:

And then when I went past the fire department, I saw that they had goats out front:
Goats at the Yachats fire department
As I headed down the coast, I took a slight diversion (up a steep hill) to the Cape Perpetua visitor center, where I had really neat conversations with a couple of the rangers.  Somehow, I only got a picture of the female ranger, but the guy was probably as cute, and they're both fun to talk to:
Gratuitous Ranger photo #2
I was glad, however, that I had not made the trip out to the Heceta Head lighthouse, as it was under repair, and just getting through the tunnel there was a pain.  Have I mentioned that I really don't like riding through tunnels?
Heceta Head lighthouse
Soon, I started to see signs that we were entering the general Dunes area:
Interesting: looks dangerous to me...
Then I finally reached the campsite.  Within 20 minutes of my arriving, it started to rain (again).

Distance: about 35 miles

The Band – Last Waltz
The Bobs – plugged
Some random stuff from the Bloodhound Gang

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