Saturday, July 7, 2012

Day 48 - Big Sur to Plaskett Creek campground

Day 48 - (June 28) Big Sur to Plaskett Creek campground

I woke up fairly late today and made a slow breakfast.  Being completely by myself in such a beautiful place is really great.  I found that many of the blackberries there were just about perfectly ripe, so I had a bowl of half cereal and half blackberries.

Then, since I was looking at a fairly lazy day (less than 30 miles), I decided to do some basic bike maintenance and enjoy the setting.  Unfortunately, in at least one way, I enjoyed it a bit too much, as I managed to sunburn most of my back while I was doing this maintenance.  This was my first bad sunburn of the trip.

While I was getting my stuff together to ride out, who should I see speed by ... first Dick goes by, then about ten minutes later John goes by.  I don't think that either of them saw me, as I was on a road essentially coming from behind them, but it was fun to see them go by.

The ride was great - the hills are challenging, but the scenery is great:
More great coastal scenery
Eventually, we all ended up at the same campground, Plaskett Creek, where we also met these two (whose names I have managed to lose track of)
Another pair of cycle tourists
These guys were planning to head out really early the next day to get some uncrowded time on the road.

We also got a very warm welcome from a big group of people who were also camping there.  They invited up over for food and drinks, and then handed John a cup of Jameson's to pass around - definitely a nice welcome.

I didn't have to cook at all tonight.  Between Dick's pasta and food from the other campers, I was very well appointed.  By the end of the night, I was also pretty sloshed, and wobbled over to my tent for the night.

Distance: 26.45 miles (24.8 according to the other cyclocomputer)
10.2 mph average (9.7)
38.3 mph max

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